1527. Prophecy – I need Holy Men.


1527. Prophecies and Vision given to Raymond Aguilera on 6 July 2000

Vision at 5:15 AM:

I saw a clear plastic dome.

Prophecy at 8:20 AM:

The Lord said, “I need Holy Men.”

Prophecy at 2:45 PM:

The Lord said, “Foam” (in Spanish).


1)     I stayed at the airport, while Carl took a taxi to Porto Allegro before our flight to Buenos Aires.  At the airport I looked up, and saw the same clear, plastic dome I’d seen in an earlier vision, on a table display over the model of the new Porto Allegro airport.  I felt that this was a confirmation that I was to stay at the airport, while Carl went to Porto Allegro.

2)     When we arrived in Buenos Aires, we went to the first hotel, and the room was smelly and without any windows.  So we went to a Best Western Hotel instead, and there we were offered better rooms at a discount price.  I also noticed that the pillows were made out of foam.  This confirmed the Word I had received earlier about the Word, “Foam” (in Spanish).


I saw an airplane propeller, it was the prop style.


I saw a skull of a goat with long horns that were curved back.


I saw a big round rock, moving through space. It was leaving a misty trail as it moved.  I thought it was heading toward our solar system.

When we prayed about whether we should stay at the hotel, the Lord said, “Yes.”

Then I heard a voice say, “Why are we here?  Are you here to anoint my city?”


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