0926. Occurrence – My voice began to sing over and over: I love you Jesus. I love you Jesus.


926. Occurrence given to Raymond Aguilera on 10 July 1996 at 4:10 PM.

I would like to share something that happened a few minutes ago. I went to visit my friend Jerry Lukehart, who wrote the preface to the Prophecy Book. I sometimes go to visit him when I am feeling down and out. Remember, I just got back from a two day camping trip, and I was feeling rested and relaxed. Well, I typed the vision I received on the camping trip this morning and e-mailed it out to the people on our e-mail. Afterward, I started feeling depressed because my mortgage payment was over due again and I have no money to pay it again. I kept telling myself, “This is getting to be a very old story.”

So I decided to run and hide at Jerry’s house because he is always broke too, and I knew he would know how I felt. I am sorry to say, I have done this many, many times before. Well, Jerry took me to a movie, and I forgot all about my problems for the afternoon. Now Jerry lives about 35 minutes away, so on the way home on the freeway, I started thinking about the problems I had waiting at home. Then without warning my voice began to sing over and over: I love you Jesus. I love you Jesus. What felt so strange and unusual was it wasn’t my voice. I have never been able to sing and now my voice was praising the Lord over and over. “I love you Jesus. I love you Jesus. Praise you Jesus. Praise you Jesus.”

So I just drove home with my voice praising the Lord in English, with a voice that wasn’t mine. This went on for about ten minutes, then the voice changed into and unknown singing tongue. I could sense the Lord’s Presence too, but my mind kept thinking about the sound that was coming out of my body. And wondering, who is singing? It was so beautiful, but like I said earlier, it wasn’t me (at least I don’t think it was me?). It felt like my body was praising the Lord without me. I know the principals of speaking in tongues without your mind’s involvement, but I felt MORE detached than usual.

Well, the unknown singing tongues lasted for about ten minutes, and then this prayer language I haven’t heard in over six years began to speak. This was one of the first tongues I had when I first met the Lord on Dec 3, 1990. This whole occurrence brought me back to the beginning of my prophetic walk (speaking in tongues) six years ago. I wish words could explain this occurrence, but I am afraid most of you would not understand it unless you experienced it. How can you be inside your own body and hear it praise the Lord, and you have nothing to do with it? Does that kind of make sense. I was TOTALLY left out of it. Remember the scripture Luke 19:40: (NIV)

Luke 19:37 When he came near the place where the road goes down the Mount of Olives, the whole crowd of disciples began joyfully to praise God in loud voices for all the miracles they had seen:

Luke 19:38 “Blessed is the king who comes in the name of the Lord!” “Peace in heaven and glory in the highest!”

Luke 19:39 Some of the Pharisees in the crowd said to Jesus, “Teacher, rebuke your disciples!”


Well that’s how I felt. I had no control over my body, and it just sang out over, and over. Maybe I have stones in MY HEAD (hard head) and body? All I can say now is, “Praise the Lord!!” (over)

PS: People on the e-mail, I am so excited I didn’t take the time to really proof read this. God bless.

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